Able TN: Achieving a Better Life Experience in Tennessee – TNSTEP Lunchtime Leaders Series
Tennessee Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE TN) is a savings program designed to help individuals with disabilities put aside money to pay for qualified expenses. These accounts provide the opportunity to save and invest with tax-free earnings to help participants maintain independence and quality of life. This presentation will…
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners (SPDG)
Tennessee State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) and TNSTEP have partnered to develop a new webinar series on increasing access to core instruction and opportunities for students with disabilities. A major area of emphasis of the State Personnel Development Grant is the work being done with general education teachers using various…
Addressing Learning Loss and and Summer Learning Programs – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series
With distance learning, hybrid instruction, or other disruptions to students’ educational programs, your child may have experienced learning loss or instructional loss, or maybe both. As the summer months quickly approach, TNSTEP has been receiving a lot of questions about the learning opportunities that will be available during the school…
Are You Ready For TNReady? TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series
This webinar session provided an overview of the new TNReady assessment system with a focus on accessibility and accommodations. Reviewed the accessibility features available for all students, accessibility features that need to be identified in advance and the process required, as well as accommodations for students with a disability. The…
Assistive Technology Breakthroughs for Students with Disabilities – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series
Alice Wershing from East Tennessee Technology Access Center presented information on technology breakthroughs for use with children and youth with disabilities. Ms. Wershing has years of experience matching technology to the needs of students with disabilities to improve their access to the curriculum. She is a wealth of information and…
BASIC Rights: Training on IDEA – A Parent’s Introduction to Special Education Virtual Workshop 5/28/21
This workshop is designed for parents, caregivers, and professionals of children in special education or who might need special education. Gain a working knowledge of special education laws, including your role in the development of an appropriate education program (IEP) and how to be an effective partner with the school…
BASIC Rights: Training on IDEA – A Parent’s Introduction to Special Education Virtual Workshop 9/24/22
This free workshop is designed for parents, caregivers, and professionals working in the field of special education. You will gain a working knowledge of special education laws including your role in developing an appropriate individualized education program (IEP), how to effectively partner with the school team in the process, plus……
Benefits of One-Page Profiles – A Great, Easy Tool to Help with Transitions – TNSTEP Lunchtime Leaders Series
Ned Andrew Solomon, one of TNSTEP’s high school to adulthood transition specialists, will explain the benefits of developing a One-Page Profile. Thanks to the great work of disability visionary Helen Sanderson, this fantastic tool can help introduce a child, young person, or adult with a disability to a caregiver, teacher,…
Bullying Prevention – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series
PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center unites, engages, and educates communities nationwide to address bullying through creative, relevant, and interactive resources. PACER’s bullying prevention resources are designed to benefit all students, including students with disabilities. Let’s learn together how to address the issue of bullying! Help spread the word about this…
Charla de café- Fomentar Comportamientos Positivos en el Aula
Enseñar a los estudiantes comportamientos apropiados en lugar de castigar los comportamientos inapropiados ayudará a desarrollar relaciones positivas entre los estudiantes y el personal de la escuela. Las escuelas con sistemas de apoyo de liderazgo compartido que involucran a los estudiantes, en lugar de exigir su cumplimiento, tienen menos problemas…
Connecting Families with Information About Special Education Return to School Planning Guide
There are many questions families have as they are making decisions about returning to school and preparing for how their children with disabilities will receive the services and supports outlined in their child’s IEP. The Return to School Planning Guide is the key for parents to pull it all together!…
Conservatorship & Special Needs Trust – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series
Persons with disabilities, such as intellectual disabilities, often face legal issues related to decision-making, eligibility for certain benefits, and continuation of benefits under certain circumstances. Parents and family members often have questions about the transfer of rights at the “age of majority”. Parents, teachers, and providers can get answers to…
Creating Safe and Supportive Schools for ALL Students Webinar 2/21/23
The past few years have been incredibly difficult as our kids and teens have faced school closings, social isolation, missed milestones, emotional injury, threats of school violence, and more. This presentation will address: Ways we can help Open and effective communication among stakeholders The impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences Understanding…
Creating Safe and Supportive Schools for ALL Students Webinar 2/21/23
The past few years have been incredibly difficult as our kids and teens have faced school closings, social isolation, missed milestones, emotional injury, threats of school violence, and more. This presentation will address: Ways we can help Open and effective communication among stakeholders The impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences Understanding…
Creating Safe and Supportive Schools for ALL Students Webinar 5/9/23
The past few years have been incredibly difficult as our kids and teens have faced school closings, social isolation, missed milestones, emotional injury, threats of school violence, and more. This presentation will address: Ways we can help Open and effective communication among stakeholders The impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences Understanding…
Decreasing Bullying: What Parents Show Know About Bullying and Prevention – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series
This webinar is designed for parents and/or caregivers who desire to learn what “bullying” means, laws and policies to protect students with disabilities, and how they can support their children and schools with the prevention, witnessing, and/or victimization of bullying. Presenter: Deborah Yates McBride, TNSTEP, Director of Rural Services and…
Disability Review Process – Revising the TN Special Education Eligibility Standards (TDOE)
The TN Department of Education discussed revising the Disability Eligibility Standards for Special Education. They asked TNSTEP to invite the TN Disability Coalition on Education and the TDC Special Education Workgroup to participate in this effort. Theresa Nicholls, the Tennessee Department of Education’s Director of Special Education Eligibility, shared where…
Do You Want to Work? Let’s Talk about VR! Student Training Session 6/24/24
A WAZE to Adulthood training series. This training discusses supports that can help youth prepare for a job, find a job, keep a job, and answer your questions. Click here to view the recorded presentation Click here to download presentation TNSTEP’s Training Recorded 6/24/24
Dyslexia and Characteristics of Dyslexia: A Guide for Parents Webinar 9/24/24
This webinar discussed the difference between characteristics of dyslexia identified through the general education setting and dyslexia as a specific learning disability identified under IDEA (special education) or as a disability under Section 504. We will discuss the support options for students who are struggling in reading and ways in…
Early Childhood Transition Planning Workshop 2-22-2024
Planning for a smooth transition for infants and toddlers. This workshop is for families with children being served through Part C Tennessee Early Intervention Services (TEIS) to assist them in preparing for the transition to Part B services. The information is family-friendly, realizing that the world of special education is…
Educación Especial: Cómo prepararse para el regreso a clases (Special Education: How to Prepare for Back to School)
LUCES y TNSTEP organizaron una charla con Patricia Estrada-Valladares, directora de servicios de Middle Tennessee, quien responde preguntas sobre el escenario de la educación especial en medio de la pandemia, y cuáles son los recursos y las herramientas de recursos disponibles para un regreso exitoso a la escuela. LUCES and…
Encourage Positive Behaviors in the Classroom – TNSTEP Coffee Talk
Teaching students appropriate behaviors instead of punishing inappropriate behaviors will help develop positive relationships between students and school staff. Schools with shared leadership support systems that engage students—rather than demand student compliance—have fewer discipline problems, increased student achievement, and higher graduation rates. Children develop and grow healthier when our communities,…
Families Dealing with a New Diagnosis – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series
Having a child with a disability or special health care needs can be a life-altering experience…but with the support of another parent, we begin to see through the cracks and find joy in places we never could have imagined. Our journey continues, but this time we feel that we will…
Family and School Resource Officers Working Together for Student Success Webinar 8/30/22
Have you ever wondered why there are officers in school and what they do? School Resource Officers (SROs) do much more than keep our schools safe. Your child with disabilities or mental health needs may benefit from the support an SRO can provide. Join us for this free webinar to learn: The role…
Fomentar Comportamientos Positivos en el Aula
Enseñar a los estudiantes comportamientos apropiados en lugar de castigar los comportamientos inapropiados ayudará a desarrollar relaciones positivas entre los estudiantes y el personal de la escuela. Las escuelas con sistemas de apoyo de liderazgo compartido que involucran a los estudiantes, en lugar de exigir su cumplimiento, tienen menos problemas…
Helping Students Find Their Voice – Self Advocacy Strategies – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series
The objective of this webinar is to teach participants how to empower students so that they can build the confidence needed to advocate for themselves. To provide examples of how to engage students in the IEP process by allowing them to learn about their learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses and…
Highlighting Strategies and Practices in Providing Related Services to Enhance the Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 for Children with Disabilities (OSEP Webinar)
This webinar was the second in the series and focused on the provision of related services through remote and distance methods to address the critical, ongoing needs of children with disabilities during the COVID-19 era. This webinar included representatives from several related service national organizations, OSEP Centers, and university partners.…
IEP Help – TNSTEPs Five Points You Can Count On
This school year counts and families can COUNT on TNSTEP. Watch the TNSTEP team as they introduce IEP tips you don’t want to miss. Click here to watch this video Click here to download the fact sheet Recorded and archived 1/28/2021
Impact of Common Core State Standards for Students with Disabilities – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
To ensure that high school students graduate prepared for college and careers, Tennessee has joined several states to develop and implement Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Tennessee is taking steps to enhance the quality of instruction and learning for its students. As the standards are being rolled out and implemented…
Improved Outcomes: Strategies and Training for Providers and Families of Children and Youth with Hearing/ Vision Loss or Traumatic Brain Injury – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series
Project BRAIN (Brain Resource and Information Network) delivers training and resources to facilitate teamwork for teachers, families, health professionals, and all who support students in Tennessee with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). A program of the TN Disability Coalition since 2000, BRAIN is designed to improve outcomes for children and youth…
Increasing Access to Core Instruction: Continuum of Services and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) (SPDG)
Tennessee State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) and TNSTEP have partnered to develop a new webinar series on increasing access to core instruction and all-encompassing opportunities for students with disabilities. A major area of emphasis of the State Personnel Development Grant is the work being done with general education teachers using…
Instructionally Appropriate IEPs (TDOE)
Presented by: Tennessee Department of Education. TNSTEP offered multiple opportunities to learn about what Response to Intervention (RTI) means for students with disabilities and new state guidance on writing Instructionally Appropriate IEPs. Note: The webinar recording is no longer available. Please see the Handouts and Resource section for the PDF…
Intellectually Gifted Students – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
“Intellectually Gifted” means a child whose intellectual abilities, creativity, and potential for achievement are so outstanding that the child’s needs exceed differentiated general education programming, adversely affect educational performance, and require specifically designed instruction or support services. Children from all populations (e.g., all ethnic groups, English Learners, all economic strata,…
Interview with Olympic Pro Volleyball Player David Smith
David Smith, a USA Pro Volleyball player, competing in the Olympics for his third time, explains what led him to play Volleyball. How being deaf or hard of hearing affects (or doesn’t affect) his ability to play at the highest level, and what gives him a competitive edge on the…
Introduction to the Individualized Education Account (IEA) Program – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
The Individualized Education Account (IEA) Program is a new school choice program for eligible students with disabilities. The program provides options for parents to choose the education opportunities that best meet the unique needs of their child through access to public education funds. This presentation will provide an overview of…
Is My Child Eligible for Special Education Services in Tennessee? TNSTEP Coffee Talk
If you believe your child needs special education services at school, this video is for you. TNSTEP’s Karen and Beth are here to talk you through the step-by-step guide to determining your child’s eligibility. They’ll tell you how to get the ball rolling, the timeline you can expect, and how…
La Ley para la Educación de los Individuos con Discapacidades: Una visión general de IDEA Virtual 1-24-23
Este taller está diseñado para profesionales, padres o cuidadores de niños especiales. Venga y obtenga informacion general que puedan necesitar, para ser un socio eficaz con el equipo de la escuela. Repaso de las cuatro partes de IDEA Definir a un niño con discapacidad Aprenda los seis principios de IDEA…
Limitless Learning After High School: How to imagine, create and cultivate job opportunities for your students in urban and rural settings – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
This webinar is designed for families, caregivers, and educators of children and youth with disabilities to gain an understanding of how to create and cultivate programs to assist students with disabilities in finding meaningful employment after high school. Participants will hear firsthand how each of these programs has had a…
Nuestro tema es Asistencia de Educación Especial para Familias de Tennessee (Special Education Assistance for Tennessee Families)
TNSTEP y HOLA Lakeway organizan una charla de café sobre educación especial. Conozca TNSTEP, que ayuda a las familias a navegar el proceso de educación especial. TNSTEP and HOLA Lakeway host a coffee talk conversation on special education. Learn about TNSTEP, which assists families in navigating the special education process.…
Occupational Diploma Webinar – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
The occupational diploma became effective Jan.11, 2015, and is available to any student on an IEP beginning in the 2015-16 school year. It is one of the two diploma options available to students who have an active IEP and will not be able to meet the general education diploma requirements,…
Overview of the IEA Program – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leader’s Webinar
This first session provides an overview of the Individualized Education Account (IEA) Program, including a definition of the program, data on enrollment, eligibility requirements, approved uses of funds, and how to apply for the 2024-25 school year. Q&A from attendees following the presentation. Presenter: Phara Williams is the director of…
Planning for Transition: Decision-Making Support – TNSTEPs Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
Preparing for a transition to adulthood can be challenging, especially for someone with a disability. There are many options and things to consider, including how much help a particular person needs with making important life decisions. Will their situation necessitate having a conservatorship in place, or will other decision-making supports be sufficient? This…
Preparing and Engaging Youth – Building Confidence to Advocate for Yourself – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
Teach participants how to empower students so that they can build the confidence needed to advocate for themselves. Provide examples of how to engage students by allowing them to learn about their learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses and how to ask for help when needed while still maintaining a maximum…
Preschool During the Pandemic: Watch all 16 episodes! (ECTA Webinar)
The Preschool During the Pandemic series, developed by Larry Edelman, is now complete. The 16 five to 17-minute episodes in the series illustrate how early education and early childhood special education have successfully supported preschoolers and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each episode includes a facilitator guide that provides prompts to…
Present Levels of Educational Performance (PLEP): The foundation of an IEP
This school year counts and families can COUNT on TNSTEP. Watch the TNSTEP team as they introduce Present Levels of Educational Performance (PLEP): The foundation of an IEP with Down Syndrome Awareness Group of East Tennessee (DSAG). Click here to watch the video Recorded 3/4/2021
Resources For Teachers and Parents to Enhance the Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 for Children with Disabilities Webinar (OSEP)
Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is hosting the first in a series of webinars focused on ready-to-use resources, tools, and practices from OSEP-funded grantees to support the educational, developmental, behavioral, and social/emotional needs of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities through remote and distance learning. With the extended…
Response to Intervention (RTI²) Training: Families Guide to Implementation and New Guidelines for Identifying Specific Learning Disabilities (TDOE)
The Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE), Division of Special Populations is implementing a statewide Response to Instruction and Intervention framework (RTI²) that will have an impact on ALL students. Families and students will need to be well-informed regarding this process. The webinar included: 40 minutes of information and presentation (visual).…
Restraint & Isolation in Tennessee Schools – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
To find out the latest information regarding Tennesse’s policies and procedures regarding Restraint and Isolation tune in for this FREE one-hour Lunchtime Leaders webinar. Active in the movement to ensure the safety of Tennessee’s children and youth with disabilities, Holly Lu Conant Rees will present the latest information to keep…
Return to School Planning Guide
There are many questions families have as they are making decisions about returning to school and preparing for how their children with disabilities will receive the services and supports outlined in their child’s IEP. The Return to School Planning Guide is the key for parents to pull it all together!…
Section 504: Leveling the Playing Field for Students with Disabilities – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act protects children with disabilities from acts of discrimination and exclusion because of their disability. We are pleased to have Candace Cortiella, director of The Advocacy Institute (, as our guest speaker for this webinar. A disability rights advocate for more than 20 years, Ms.…
Seis Principios de IDEA (El Acta para la Educación de los Individuos con Discapacidades) Capacitación Virtual
Venga y obtenga conocimientos en la Ley de Educación Especial, incluyendo su papel en el desarrollo del Programa Individualizado de Educación (IEP). .. Revisar las cuatro partes de IDEA .. Definir si un niño con una discapacidad .. Conozca los seis principios de IDEA Llámenos para hacer una cita Dorca Rose…
Self-Determination Curriculum and Transition Resources – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
The University of Tennessee Center for Literacy, Education & Employment conducts training and technical assistance in delivering a self-determination and career planning curriculum to school systems interested in assisting students to self-determine their career planning at the point of transition from school to adult life. The self-determination and career planning…
Serving Incarcerated Youth – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
Participants will explore practical and prescriptive methods that involve the education of youth in secure settings. Information will be shared that can reduce the possibilities of re-offending and increase the opportunities for successful reentry, higher education, and sustainable employment. Presenter: Derek Flake, Juvenile Justice & Civil Rights Liaison, TNSTEP Derek…
Serving Students with Disabilities in Non-Public Schools Webinar 3/5/2024
This presentation addresses the obligation of local education agencies to serve students with disabilities in non-public schools, including the requirement to set aside a proportionate share of federal funding, the requirement to engage in the consultative process with representatives of students enrolled in non-public schools, and the requirement to develop…
Sexuality and Disability – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
Sexual health is an important part of growing up. However, it can be a very overwhelming and confusing time. This webinar will give you a synopsis of the SPAN Parent Advocacy Network’s four-part series on Sexuality and Disability. Part 1 – Building Healthy Relationships Objective: 1) Healthy relationships lie in…
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Webinar by families for families about early childhood options 9/29/22
For the first time, kids currently in Tennessee Early Intervention Services (TEIS) who turn 3 years old after October 15th will have the option to continue in TEIS or receive early childhood school-based education services if they qualify. It’s awesome that families will have the option between these types of…
Six Principles of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Virtual Training
This condensed introduction to Special Education is designed for professionals, parents, or caregivers of children currently in special education, or who might need special education services. You will gain an overview of special education, including how to be an effective partner with the school team in the process. Participants will:…
Special Education Timelines – TNSTEPs Five Points You Can Count On
Watch this video on “Special Education Timelines” and learn 5 things you can COUNT on regarding your school’s obligation to follow IDEA and Section 504 timelines. Click here to watch the video Follow these links to download “Special Education Timelines: Special Education Timelines – 5 Things You Can Count Timelines…
Special Education Update with Deputy Commissioner Kathleen M. Airhart, Ed.D (TDOE) – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
Dr. Kathleen Airhart presented a webinar designed to inform families and students, and those who work with them, about the current Department of Education initiatives. Dr. Airhart was appointed as Deputy Commissioner for the Tennessee Department of Education in January 2012. Previously she has served in roles for the Putnam…
Standards for Special Education Evaluation & Eligibility Revisions for Public Feedback 8-20-24
The Tennessee Department of Education is currently revising the eligibility standards for special education, transitioning them from guidance to state board rule. This first phase of the task force’s work has concentrated on five key eligibility areas: Autism Developmental Delay (DD) Emotional Disability (ED) Specific Learning Disability (SLD) Speech or…
Staying Engaged in Your Child’s Education – TNSTEPs Five Points You Can Count On
Watch this video on “Staying Engaged in Your Child’s Education COUNTS” and the 5 things you can COUNT on to help you stay engaged in your son or daughter’s education. We will be referring to some important resources and strategies to help students, parents, and teachers work together to help…
Support and Training for Exhausted Parents (Self-Care=Less Stress) – TNSTEP Coffee Talk
Are you stressed to the max or just plain exhausted? Join TNSTEPs Beth Smith and Caleb Corwin with Cherokee Health Systems for a quick “coffee talk” to get some tips for dealing with stressors and improving your outlook. Click here to watch the video Recorded 7/14/2020
Supported Decision Making: A Mash Up That Promotes a More Self-Determined Life Presentation 2/28/23
Learning Objectives: What supported decision-making, and why it should be considered How the concepts of supported decision-making (SDM) and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) work together How to take a lifespan approach to support individuals with disabilities and their families Click here for the recording Handout Links: Presentation LifeCourse Exploring Decision-Making…
Supporting Dual Language Families – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
To offer tips for families who speak dual languages including: School Enrollment: Registration rights and requirements, grade placement, language accessibility, and community access in general; Eligibility for ESL (English as a Second Language) Services: What is it? Immersion? The flow of services; IEP (Individual Education Program) Participation: Process, eligibility, diagnosis,…
Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities – What Families Should Know – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
The Council on Developmental Disabilities is a leader in improving policies and practices that affect the lives of Tennesseans with developmental disabilities. The Council works with offices of state government, private entities, policymakers, and the public to promote best practices in the field of disability services. The 21-member Council, comprised…
Tennessee Dept. of Education Alternate Academic Diploma Overview – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
An Overview of the proposed policy for the alternate academic diploma by the state ESSA plan. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has made available to states a diploma option, which will be included in the graduation rate, for students assessed on the alternate assessment. In the Tennessee ESSA plan,…
Tennessee Dept. of Education Rule Change on Draft IEPs – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
The state board of education recently passed an amendment to the Special Education Programs and Services Parent Participation Rule (Rule 0520-01-09-.15), which is anticipated to go into effect on March 12, 2019. The new rule requires parents to receive a copy of a draft Individualized Education Program (IEP) at least…
Tennessee Diploma Types and Post Secondary Options – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
On January 26, 2018, the State Board of Education approved the addition of the Alternate Academic Diploma (AAD) as a diploma option for Tennessee students with disabilities who participate in the alternate assessments. This new diploma will count toward the district graduation rate and will be implemented beginning in the…
Tennessee Virtual Academy Webinar – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
TNSTEP hosted a webinar on the Tennessee Virtual Academy (TNVA) to share information about this free online public school. The TNVA has been authorized by the Union County School District to serve students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Randy Bretza, Local Development Manager for TNVA, and Tara Richardson, with,…
TNSTEP Presenta: El próximo paso – Planificando el IEP Preparación para una efectivaparticipación en el Programa deEducación Individualizado (IEP) 8-5-24
The Next Step, IEP Planning – Preparing for effective participation in Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings (workshop in Spanish) Este taller está diseñado para permitir que los participantes comprendan y participen plenamente en el proceso del equipo del IEP. Los participantes aprenderán: Los tipos de servicios que pueden ofrecerse a…
Transition Agency Information Panel Overview (Northeast TN)
TNSTEP along with Washington County Schools and Empower Tennessee hosted a premier YouTube event on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, to provide resources to help youth and their families get Ready 4 Life after high school. A selected panel of ten transition agencies in Northeast Tennessee gave an overview of their…
Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare with Dr. David Wood – TNSTEP Coffee Talk
A brief discussion on the Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare with Dr. David Wood of East Tennessee State University and Ned Andrew Solomon, TNSTEP Communications Support and Youth Transition to Adulthood Specialist. Click here to watch the video.
Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare: Issues and Strategies – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
For any young person moving into adulthood, transitioning from a pediatric to an adult healthcare system can be challenging. This process can be even more challenging for young people with disabilities, who may not have had many opportunities to speak for themselves or discuss their disabilities and health issues. The…
Transition Planning and the Importance of the Transition IEP – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
For some students with disabilities, getting ready for life after high school takes planning and the involvement of the student, their families, and educators. This webinar will outline the key concepts of transition planning and provide resources on how to involve youth in the process. Participants will be provided training…
Transition to Adulthood – TNSTEPs Five Points You Can Count On
Watch this video on “Transition to Adulthood” and learn 5 things you can COUNT on when planning your son or daughter’s life after high school. Learn important resources and strategies to help students, parents, and teachers work together to ensure a successful transition to adulthood. Click here to watch the…
Turning 18: What Happens Now? Webinar for Parents and Professionals 6/13/23
Turning 18 is a significant milestone in a person’s life. They may not be through with high school yet, but they’ve achieved the “age of majority,” which is a fancy way of saying that a person is now considered an adult. Some young people, with or without disabilities, view turning…
Understanding Medicaid Billing by School Districts – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
Accessing Medicaid funds can be daunting. The documentation and billing requirements may seem overwhelming. Requirements may also vary significantly from state to state. Finally, Medicaid policies and procedures change frequently, making it difficult for providers and advocates to keep up with the different requirements they have to meet. Despite the…
Understanding the role of Vocational Rehabilitation in Transition from School to Work – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
This session was intended to enhance the participants’ understanding of the role of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) in the Transition from School to Work (TSW) process and encourage collaboration with VR to plan and prepare for employment-related transition goals for eligible students with disabilities. Presenters: Becky Allen, M.Ed., CVE. Becky joined…
Vanderbilt Project: Whole Community Transition Planning – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
The “Whole Community Transition Planning Project” is a new project led by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center to work together as a community to make transitioning to adulthood easier for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. As Vanderbilt plans for future change, TNSTEP has resources you can use now. We will…
Virtual IEP Training with Tennessee Voices 7/24/24
Back to school means IEP meetings! This session reviewed the essential information families will find helpful during their student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting. Joey Ellis, TNSTEP Director of Youth Services, your IEP expert, presented this training/discussion. Hosted by: Family Voices of Tennessee Click here to view the recorded presentation.…
Vocational Rehabilitation: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How (Parent & Professional Training) 7/17/24
A WAZE to Adulthood training series. Many young people with disabilities want to work after high school or college, just like their peers. Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a program that provides services and supports to help people with disabilities prepare for, get, and keep a job. This training provides basic information about the…
What Does Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Really Mean? TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar
The Least Restrictive Environment, LRE, is an important charge of the IEP team. But what exactly is LRE and how do we know what to choose? This webinar will explore the intent of LRE and critical questions for IEP teams to consider to confidently determine a student’s LRE. Presenter: Alison…
What Families Need to Know to Work Together with SROs for Student Success Webinar – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Series
School Resource Officers (SROs) do much more than keep our schools safe. Your child with disabilities or mental health needs may benefit from the support an SRO can provide. This presentation will address: The role of the School Resource Officer How to introduce yourself and your child to the SRO…
What is the Katie Beckett Program? TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Series
Tennessee’s Katie Beckett Program is for children with disabilities or complex medical needs who are not currently Medicaid eligible due to their parent’s income or assets. The program has two parts. Part A provides Medicaid services to children with the most significant needs. Part B is a Medicaid diversion program,…