- Instructor: TNSTEP
Categories: Videos
This school year counts and families can COUNT on TNSTEP. Watch the TNSTEP team as they introduce Present Levels of Educational Performance (PLEP): The foundation of an IEP with Down Syndrome Awareness Group of East Tennessee (DSAG).
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Recorded 3/4/2021
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TNSTEP Presenta: El próximo paso – Planificando el IEP Preparación para una efectivaparticipación en el Programa deEducación Individualizado (IEP) 8-5-24
The Next Step, IEP Planning – Preparing for effective participation in Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings (workshop in Spanish) Este taller está diseñado para permitir que los participantes comprendan y participen plenamente en el proceso del equipo del IEP. Los participantes aprenderán: Los tipos de servicios que pueden ofrecerse a…
Virtual IEP Training with Tennessee Voices 7/24/24
Back to school means IEP meetings! This session reviewed the essential information families will find helpful during their student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting. Joey Ellis, TNSTEP Director of Youth Services, your IEP expert, presented this training/discussion. Hosted by: Family Voices of Tennessee Click here to view the recorded presentation.…
Vocational Rehabilitation: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How (Parent & Professional Training) 7/17/24
A WAZE to Adulthood training series. Many young people with disabilities want to work after high school or college, just like their peers. Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a program that provides services and supports to help people with disabilities prepare for, get, and keep a job. This training provides basic information about the…
Do You Want to Work? Let’s Talk about VR! Student Training Session 6/24/24
A WAZE to Adulthood training series. This training discusses supports that can help youth prepare for a job, find a job, keep a job, and answer your questions. Click here to view the recorded presentation Click here to download presentation TNSTEP’s Training Recorded 6/24/24
Early Childhood Transition Planning Workshop 2-22-2024
Planning for a smooth transition for infants and toddlers. This workshop is for families with children being served through Part C Tennessee Early Intervention Services (TEIS) to assist them in preparing for the transition to Part B services. The information is family-friendly, realizing that the world of special education is…