Transition to Adulthood
TNSTEP staff will provide training and professional development to families who have children with disabilities, transition-age students with disabilities, teachers, and related service providers who work with transition-age youth.
Direct in-person training opportunities that can be requested by families, schools, and community sponsors include Transition Institutes with Information Fairs, Dream Building Activity: Planning for Your Future at Institutes and workshops on “Taking the Mystery out of Transition Planning”, and transition-focused person-centered planning seminars which include both group instruction and individual work with students, and providing transition information to families whose first language is not English.
To extend the availability of information in this technology age, TNSTEP will make our most sought information available through video, online training, and electronic documents. These training tools will include short video vignettes that will be posted on the TNSTEP YouTube channel; an online transition training module with materials to download, interactive content, and video clips with a certificate of completion when finished; free webinars over the contract period on topics such as Graduation requirements, Vocational Rehabilitation, Conservatorship, and Special Needs Trusts, College Readiness: Tips from Disability Support staff, Strategies for serving at-risk students, and Success Stories; Students and Employers Speak Up!; and Transition Guides in English and Spanish.
For more information email [email protected] or call 615.682.3120.

Transition Services Links
- College for TN
- College Readiness checklist for inclusive higher education
- Comparison of IDEA, ADA and 504
- Connecting the disability community to information and opportunities
- Postsecondary Education Financial Aid Chart
- Tennessee Disability Pathfinder
- Transition Assessment Toolkit
- Transition Tennessee
- Vocational Rehabilitation Locator
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Youth/Transition to Adulthood Resources
Plan a Perfect Life
Powerpoint Presentations
- Benefits of One-Page Profiles – A Great, Easy Tool to Help with Transitions
- Helping Students Find Their Voice – Self-Advocacy Strategies
- Limitless Learning After High School: How to Imagine, Create and Cultivate Job Opportunities
- Planning for Success After High School – Transition Video Series
- Preparing & Engaging Youth in Planning for Life After High School – Hands-On Tools to Prepare and Engage Youth in Self-Advocacy
- Tennessee Diploma Types and Post-Secondary Options
- Transition to Adulthood – 5 Things to Count On
- Transition to Adulthood and the Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- What Families Need to Know to Work Together with SROs for Student Success