Course Category: Webinar

Showing 31-40 of 94 results
David Smith Pro Volleyball Player image

Interview with Olympic Pro Volleyball Player David Smith

David Smith, a USA Pro Volleyball player, competing in the Olympics for his third time, explains what led him to play Volleyball. How being deaf or hard of hearing affects (or doesn’t affect) his ability to play at the highest level, and what gives him a competitive edge on the…
Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare Coffee Talk image

Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare with Dr. David Wood – TNSTEP Coffee Talk

A brief discussion on the Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare with Dr. David Wood of East Tennessee State University and Ned Andrew Solomon, TNSTEP Communications Support and Youth Transition to Adulthood Specialist. Click here to watch the video.
Laptop image with workshop title on screen - Basic Rights: Training on IDEA

BASIC Rights: Training on IDEA – A Parent’s Introduction to Special Education Virtual Workshop 5/28/21

This workshop is designed for parents, caregivers, and professionals of children in special education or who might need special education. Gain a working knowledge of special education laws, including your role in the development of an appropriate education program (IEP) and how to be an effective partner with the school…
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) logo

Preschool During the Pandemic: Watch all 16 episodes! (ECTA Webinar)

The Preschool During the Pandemic series, developed by Larry Edelman, is now complete. The 16 five to 17-minute episodes in the series illustrate how early education and early childhood special education have successfully supported preschoolers and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each episode includes a facilitator guide that provides prompts to…

Vanderbilt Project: Whole Community Transition Planning – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

The “Whole Community Transition Planning Project” is a new project led by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center to work together as a community to make transitioning to adulthood easier for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. As Vanderbilt plans for future change, TNSTEP has resources you can use now. We will…

Present Levels of Educational Performance (PLEP): The foundation of an IEP

This school year counts and families can COUNT on TNSTEP. Watch the TNSTEP team as they introduce Present Levels of Educational Performance (PLEP): The foundation of an IEP with Down Syndrome Awareness Group of East Tennessee (DSAG). Click here to watch the video Recorded 3/4/2021
Teens in a group image

Transition Agency Information Panel Overview (Northeast TN)

TNSTEP along with Washington County Schools and Empower Tennessee hosted a premier YouTube event on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, to provide resources to help youth and their families get Ready 4 Life after high school. A selected panel of ten transition agencies in Northeast Tennessee gave an overview of their…
IEP Help Guide image

IEP Help – TNSTEPs Five Points You Can Count On

This school year counts and families can COUNT on TNSTEP. Watch the TNSTEP team as they introduce IEP tips you don’t want to miss. Click here to watch this video Click here to download the fact sheet Recorded and archived 1/28/2021
Special Education Timelines Guide image

Special Education Timelines – TNSTEPs Five Points You Can Count On

Watch this video on “Special Education Timelines” and learn 5 things you can COUNT on regarding your school’s obligation to follow IDEA and Section 504 timelines. Click here to watch the video Follow these links to download “Special Education Timelines: Special Education Timelines – 5 Things You Can Count Timelines…
Transition to Adulthood Guide image

Transition to Adulthood – TNSTEPs Five Points You Can Count On

Watch this video on “Transition to Adulthood” and learn 5 things you can COUNT on when planning your son or daughter’s life after high school. Learn important resources and strategies to help students, parents, and teachers work together to ensure a successful transition to adulthood. Click here to watch the…
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