TNSTEP’s Patricia Valladares Shares Personal Story

Patricia Valladares Next Door Neighbors image
Nashville Public Television filmed this great segment on how Patricia Valladares lost her eyesight and turned her focus to family and fighting for the rights of people with disabilities. We are proud you are part of the TNSTEP family, Patricia!
Click this link to view the video
About Next Door Neighbors – Nashville Public Television’s Emmy® Award-winning Next Door Neighbors series looks at Nashville’s status as a new destination city for refugees and immigrants and explores the rich diversity of people now calling Nashville home. Across the United States, mid-sized cities like Nashville, TN are experiencing unprecedented growth in their international populations. Together these communities are redefining the traditional international city on a smaller local scale. As our new neighbors rebuild their lives in Nashville, their experiences, contributions, and conflicts impact the city, but they are challenged by isolation and barriers unknown to many Nashvillians. How Nashville addresses its changing demographic will be important for the future of similar communities across the country.