TN Council on Developmental Disabilities Policy News

The latest update is out from the Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities.

In this issue:

  • Note from Policy Director
  • Tennessee Policy Response to Coronavirus
  • Go-to website for Tennessee disability resources:  Tennessee Disability Pathfinder COVID-19 page
  • Updates from the Executive Branch
  • DIDD Submits New Waiver
  • Special Education: Facebook Live Weekly Series
  • Special Education Technology Grants Offered to School Districts
  • Mental Health Resources Coming to More Schools
  • Your Input Needed: Independent Living in Tennessee
  • National Policy Response to Coronavirus
  • Go-to website for national disability resources:  U.S. Administration on Community Living COVID-19
  • Senate Returns to DC, House Remains on Recess
  • Deadline tomorrow: Stimulus Payments for Child Dependents
  • US Dept. of Education: IDEA Protections Remain During Pandemic
  • US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development: Moratorium on Evictions
  • Disability Rights during a Pandemic