Tennessee Special Education Framework Updated

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Several years ago, the TN Department of Education (TDOE) developed the first Special Education Framework and has continuously garnered feedback from educators on how to improve the framework in order to be most useful to teachers as they support students with disabilities.

n August 2018, TDOE shared the revised Special Education Framework at the special education directors’ conference. The purpose of the framework is to support educators in writing instructionally appropriate IEPs. The framework is organized into two sections:

  • – General information about special education
  • – Writing IEPs

The framework has been updated to include best practices and tips for writing instructionally appropriate IEPs, alongside IDEA requirements. Other improvements include a component on the development of writing short-term objectives, additional clarification around service delivery, best practices in transition planning, and links to eligibility resources for the IEP team.

You can download a PDF of the August 2018 version of the Tennessee Special Education Framework here.

STEP’s series of “on-demand” inclusion webinars — which aligns nicely with the Tennessee Special Education Framework — is available here.