Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities Update

The latest update is out from the Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities.

In this issue:

  • Council presents at Camp Empower, MePower
  • New ‘Partners in Policymaking’ Video — Jen Vogus, 2007 Grad
  • Council Policy Director on 6/25 Transition TN Webcast on Supported Decision Making
  • News from Our Partners
  • 6/18 Public Comment Deadline on Changes to DIDD Waivers
  • Employment and Community First CHOICES Listening Sessions
  • Weigh in on TN Disability Pathfinder website
  • Upcoming Enabling Technology Forums, Summit
  • Volunteer Advocacy Project Expansion
  • TN Statewide Plan for Independent Living Survey – Deadline 7/30
  • Upcoming Events
  • Other recent news from the Council