Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities Update

The latest update is out from the Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities.

In this issue:

  • Note from Executive Director
  • 10/25, Knoxville – Legislative Disability Committee’s ‘Listening Tour’
  • 10/27, Greeneville – Council Member Organizes Family Workshop
  • New TN Dept. of Mental Health Council Representative, Mark Liverman
  • 11/15 Deadline – Call for Artwork for Breaking Ground Arts Issue
  • News from Our Partners
  • 10/23, Knoxville – Disability Employment Breakfast
  • 10/25, Nashville – Disability Rights TN’s Employment Awareness Luncheon
  • 10/29 Rhea County Transition Tennessee Community Conversation
  • 11/1 Maryville Transition Tennessee Community Conversation
  • TN Early Intervention System Online Referral Form
  • TN Disability MegaConference Call for Artwork
  • New Plain Language “Employment First” Toolkit
  • SABE (Self Advocates Becoming Empowered) Voting Toolkit and Resources
  • Your Input Needed!
  • Until 10/26 – TennCare Asking for Feedback on Work Requirements
  • Surveys for Siblings of People with Disabilities and their Partners (“Sibs-in-Law”)
  • TN Arts Commission Access to the Arts Survey
  • By 11/30 – Transition Tennessee Survey for Parents
  • Transition Tennessee Survey for Special Educators
  • 2018 Election/Voting Deadlines
  • Upcoming Events
  • East TN
  • Middle TN (+ Statewide Conferences in Middle)
  • West TN
  • Free Webinars
  • Outside TN
  • Other recent news from the Council