Public Input Survey for the Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities State Plan

The Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities is in the process of developing its new five-year state plan.  This plan will be in effect from October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2021.

The Council’s State Plan is its strategic planning document for the next five years, and it will serve as a framework for planning, implementation and evaluation activities.

They are asking Tennesseans with disabilities, family members and professionals to tell them what is working and what is not working in regards to the quality of and access to services provided for citizens with disabilities in Tennessee. Your input will help determine where to direct Council resources and advocacy over the next five years!

Share your feedback with the Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities here.

When you start the survey, you will be asked to answer four demographic questions – we want to make sure we are hearing from a diverse group of people. The survey asks about the availability of disability services in your community, the availability of general community resources that are accessible to people with disabilities and their families, whether there are under-served groups in your community, and what issues you feel are priorities for Tennesseans with disabilities and their families.

Please feel free to distribute our survey to others so they can provide their valuable input about Tennessee services and supports for people with disabilities!

If you have any questions or if you need the survey in other formats, feel free to contact Alicia Cone at [email protected] or 615-253-1105.