TEIS (TN Early Intervention System) Update – June 15, 2020

The TEIS Update is out from the Tennessee Department of Education.

In this issue:

    • A Note from Assistant Commissioner Madison
    • Welcome to the Team!
    • Taking Care of the Caregivers: How You Can Help
    • Notice to Vendors: Claim Submission Update
    • Help Through a Pandemic
    • FGRBI: Collaborative Coaching
    • Zero to Three Releases State of Babies Yearbook 2020
    • Equity in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Webinar Series
    • Reminder: Vendor Contract Annual Documentation Requirements Due July 2020
    • Reminder: End-of Year Procedures for Fiscal Year 2019-20
    • Upcoming Dates of Interest

Follow this link to review https://bit.ly/TEIS_Update_June15