Tennessee releases guidance for reopening school during coronavirus pandemic

By Marta W. Aldrich, Chalkbeat Tennessee   Updated Jun 8, 2020, 6:27 pm CDT

Tennessee classrooms have sat empty since late March when the coronavirus shuttered schools statewide. Leaders for Tennessee’s 147 school districts are now determining what reopening school safely will look like.

When Tennessee schools resume classes in August, they may reopen buildings gradually, set staggered schedules, or adopt a year-round model that allows only 75% of students on campus at one time.

They also could launch with traditional, in-person classes; keep buildings shuttered and provide learning remotely; or adopt a mixture of the two.

The wide range of scenarios is outlined in guidance released online Monday by the state education department on how to reopen schools safely during the coronavirus pandemic. It arrives about two months before the start of a school year filled with uncertainty. School leaders are in need of a blueprint, especially without significant financial investments anticipated from state and local governments.  Click here to read more.