On Demand FREE F.A.S.T. Webinar Series

Webinar online graphic

Have you checked out Tennessee’s State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) “On Demand” Webinar Series on Families and Schools Together (FAST) – Increasing Student Success Through Partnership.

This three-part webinar series is a great tool for parents and teachers.  The free webinars can be viewed anytime on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Please share with parents and families or feel free to use it as part of professional development for teachers and administrators.

Click on the following topics to view each webinar, download handouts, and resources.  Be sure to give your feedback by completing the brief evaluation at the end of each webinar.

This webinar series is a collaborative project of the TN Department of Education State Personnel Grant (SPDG) and their family partner Support & Training for Exceptional Parents (STEP, Inc.).