Signs of Dyslexia at Different Ages

Many people know that dyslexia is a challenge with reading. But in fact, it’s more than that. Dyslexia is a challenge with language. That can make it hard to recognize all of the signs. For instance, why would trouble with rhyming be a sign of trouble with reading?

Dyslexia can also cause trouble with spelling, speaking, and writing. So signs can show up in a few areas, not just in reading. Not all kids with dyslexia struggle with the same reading skills. Some have a hard time with early skills like sounding out words (decoding). Some can read words and sentences, but they have trouble understanding what they read.

If you think your child might have dyslexia, look over this list of symptoms. Take notes on what you’re seeing at home so you can discuss it with your child’s teacher or doctor. From there you can talk about how to help your child improve reading.

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