Help Children and Teens Deal With Bullying

Teens in a group image

Help Children and Teens Deal With Bullying 

Parents, caregivers, siblings, and mentors play an important role in helping children and teens deal with bullying and cyberbullying. Sometimes it’s not clear what children’s and teen’s moods relate to. Changes in a child’s behavior and mood can stem from any number of things. But there are things parents, caregivers, siblings, and mentors can do to determine if a child might be dealing with bullying and to help them to address it.  

Learn more about how some children are at higher risk for being bullied. 

Determine if a child or teen has any of the warning signs for bullying or cyberbullying.  

Check on the child or teen’s use of apps, social media, and gaming and strengthen your awareness of their digital life.

Help them learn how to deal with “haters.”   

Share video tips from teens on: 

Adults can support the kids involved in bullying. This includes the child who was bullied, the one who did the bullying, and bystanders. 

Role-play how to handle bullying as a bystander.  

With your support, children and teens can learn how to deal with bullying situations. You can help them feel more confident and secure in their interactions with their peers. 

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Recent Bullying Research Highlights 

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