Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS) Extended Option

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Revised September 8, 2022, TEIS Extended Option Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS) currently serves eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities or developmental delays from birth to age 3. The governor and Tennessee General Assembly have approved a budget that provides for TEIS to extend services past a child’s 3rd birthday. If it is approved by the U.S. Office of SpecialEducation Programs (OSEP), families of children who are eligible for IDEA Part B services will have the choice to continue with TEIS services until the start of the school year following the child’s 4thbirthday. This extension offers families an additional option to consider as they help their children develop and prepare for school.

What will change?

Right now, a child receives services from TEIS until they turn 3. Then, if eligible, the child may receive services in the school system from age 3 until age 22. Information about the services provided in the school system for children ages 3 to 5 can be found here: https://www.tn.gov/education/student-support/special-education/special-education-section-619.html

The extension of TEIS services up to the start of school following the 4thbirthday will provide eligible families with the choice to either continue services through TEIS or transition to the school system any time after the child turns 3.

Transition planning will continue as it does now. TEIS service coordinators will work with the family and the local school district to make sure the family has a smooth transition to services provided by the school system.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for the TEIS Extended Option, a child must meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in TEIS prior to the age of3
  • Eligible for special education services in the local school district
  • Turn 3 on or after October 15, 2022

Children who turn 3 prior to October 15, 2022, should continue with their current transition plans.

Once a child transitions to special education services in the school, they cannot return to TEIS services.

When will the change take place?

The TEIS Extended Option implementation date is October 15, 2022. Children who turn 3 on or after October 15, 2022, and meet the above criteria will be eligible for the TEIS Extended Option. We encourage all families to reach out to their service coordinator if they have any questions about the extension of services.


Mark your calendars! A TEIS Extended Option Lunch and Learn for families is scheduled for September 15th. This presentation will provide an opportunity for families to hear about how the TEIS Extended Option will impact their child and ask questions.

Stay up to date on the extension of TEIS services! www.tn.gov/didd/teis-extended