In this Winter issue, TNSTEP continues to provide information that has been requested or that we think will be beneficial to our community
In this Winter issue of TNSTEP’s Newsletter, we continue to provide information that has been requested or that we believe will be beneficial to our community. Here you will find articles about
- The development of a Family Equity Advisory Team (FEAT)
- Tennessee’s Katie Beckett Program
- TNSTEP’s STEP Up to the Plate Youth Council Members Discussing Health and Advocacy
- Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Mental Health Needs
- Our 2021 Advocate of the Year Award Recipients
Click here to read more
Please know that TNSTEP staff are always here to help you work through any special education issues you or your child may be having during this extended, challenging time.
As always, please feel free to reach out to our Regional Directors or the main STEP office if you have questions.