Keeping Kids Engaged in Remote Learning

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Tips for coping with the challenges of virtual school

At this point, many kids have been doing remote or hybrid learning for the better part of a year. As parents, it’s easy to feel like we should have this down by now. But if your child is refusing to log into online classes or blowing up over constant schedule changes, you’re not alone. Lots of kids are struggling to feel invested in school.

Still, with classes resuming in the new year, families have an opportunity to start fresh. With a few new strategies in your back pocket, you can help your child get the most out of a difficult experience — and keep conflict at home to a minimum.

Get to the root of the issue

Even if your child is making their negative feelings quite clear — say, by running into the other room and slamming the door when it’s time for online class — the causes may not be obvious.

Click here to read more.

Hannah Sheldon-Dean, MSW, is a staff editor and writer at the Child Mind Institute.