Just in time for BACK TO SCHOOL – Information Guides Parents Can Use!

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Parent involvement in education is like the frosting on a cupcake, it makes it complete and oh so sweet.  

To be involved, parents and family members need information.
STEP, Inc. collaborated with the Tennessee Department of Education on new
information guides that families can use to become informed,
empowered, and engaged in their child’s education.

The Tennessee “Say Dyslexia” law requires school districts to screen all students for characteristics of dyslexia. The new Dyslexia Overview for Parents one-page guide includes information about the law, school obligations, the screening process, tips for parents, and resources.  The “Say Dyslexia” Law Overview for School Districts provides requirements of the “Say Dyslexia” law, universal screening process summary, continuum of programming, and resources.   

Dyslexia Overview for Parents “Say Dyslexia” Law – Overview for School Districts

This Quick Guide to Parent Rights and Responsibilities in Special Education is an overview of some of the provisions of special education. It is designed to assist families in understanding their rights and responsibilities in the special education process. Parents of children who receive or may be
eligible for special education services have rights under both the TN Rule 0520-01-09 and The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA 2014). An important part of these laws provides parents with the right to participate in their children’s education. 

Quick Guide to Parents Rights and Responsibilities in Special Education


What can you do with the information in these Information Guides?

Prepare questions you have for your next IEP team meeting. Ask your child’s teacher how your child is doing in reading compared to their peers. Share the guides with families, administrators, and educators.

Please contact a member of the STEP Team if we can be of assistance in understanding your rights.