“Testing, Diagnosis and the RTI Process” Virtual Workshop for Parents – Advocacy Nuts & Bolts 3 Part Parent Advocacy Series

  • February 18, 2021 - 6:00pm
  • Online

Germantown Municipal School District School psychologist, Christine Hingle, Ed.S., NCSP, will walk us through the testing steps and RTI process in the public school system, and Gay Landaiche, Director of the Erika Center at Bodine School, will explain the screenings offered at Bodine.

Time: 6 – 7:15 p.m. CST

The Erika Center at Bodine School: Advocacy Nuts & Bolts a three-part Parent Advocacy Series. Sessions will be moderated by Gay Landaiche and Pam DeMato, graduates of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Volunteer Advocacy Project.

Register Online: bodineschool.org/advocacy

Click here to download the workshop flyer