In this session, we describe effective techniques to increase student involvement in the IEP. The presentation will focus on providing reasoning for active student involvement in the IEP process and increasing self-determination skills for youth with disabilities (late elementary through high school). We will provide free resources, curriculum, and instructional materials to increase self-determination skills and teach student involvement in the IEP.
Student Involvement in the IEP will be offered on February 23 and May 11. Both sessions feature the same presentation.
To register for these FREE sessions, please click on the date which best fits your schedule:
May 11, 2021
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM CT
- Start Date:May 11, 2021
- Start Time:8:30am
- End Date:May 11, 2021
- End Time:3:30pm
- Location:Online
- Website:http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001hk6GyzXGRawDIg7jKICH2u0VRGs7ABZEEXzJtCzPz9SRZz13NZTk1RPlWf3oFswHyJrn3b_8cdHSIihnFdKDyg-fkcu8lRjMKgk92935nq8gakz7Lsm6neOHHtRTJTFw72e3j_YbZ-M_5ZoUTP2_9HkY43C6-tJA&c=YT6rW3ylnPBvggCjZGqVi7Ehe-TzTF-CH08owFgacqNc4s-lz8BNhA==&ch=w_DjqsbDpgj1S-cje3gVFnR3A2G3A0GACExl1JP07NEDI6VSBk2v9g==