Using Positive Behaviors Intervention and Support In School Workshop

SPAN Parent Advocacy Network START logo
  • January 26, 2022 - 6:30pm
  • Online

This workshop provides an overview of educational strategies that helps students learn alternate behaviors that can lead to long-term change

Children do not lose their constitutional rights when they walk through the schoolhouse door. This workshop summarizes the rights of children with and without disabilities in the area of discipline. What can administrators do? What are the limits on their authority? What are some alternatives to out-of-school suspension? When and before whom must suspension or expulsion hearing be held?

This workshop provides an overview of a cycle of failure that often results for students with behavioral challenges. The focus is on intervention with students who exhibit challenging behaviors (e.g. aggression, self-injury, tantrums). An emphasis on educational strategies helps students learn alternate behaviors that can lead to long-term change. Information on the due process rights of children in the discipline process is also provided.

Presented by: Nicole Pratt

More Information: Nicole Pratt [email protected]

Presented by SPAN Parent Advocacy Network 


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