Join us to hear our story! From birth to the adult world! Usher diagnosis, independence, school, VR, hello baby, Lucy dog, and work!!!!
Deaf-Blind Webinar Trainings Series brought to you in collaboration with Helen Keller National Center, and the Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, and Tennessee Deaf-Blind Projects.
Free Online Training Opportunities for Families and Professionals with Students who are Deaf-Blind
ASL Interpreters Provided.
Questions: [email protected]
- Start Date:August 25, 2020
- Start Time:2:30pm
- End Date:August 25, 2020
- End Time:4:00pm
- Location:Online
- Website:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAAAAAAAAMAACjXpDFUMVM2MjgzRUlGM1Y5WDFKTVFMVldJSVVURy4u