Reframing Possibilities: Meaningful Inclusion- Not If But How Webinar

SPAN Parent Advocacy Network START logo
  • November 16, 2021 - 7:00pm
  • Online

Often parents assume that advocacy must be the act of an individual. In this webinar, we will reframe the way that parents advocate for inclusion in school settings. We will move from one-person advocacy to learning ways to use the power of parent groups.

Attendees will:

1. Understand that Inclusion is not a place, but a practice.

2. Discuss the myth that a child has to be “ready” for inclusion.

3. Learn to collaborate with parent groups when advocating for more inclusive opportunities.

With Special Guest Speaker:

Priya Lalvani, author of Constructing the (M)other: Narratives of Disability, Motherhood, and the Politics of Normal

Date:  Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Time:  7:00 pm


Trazando posibilidades: Inclusión:no si es posible, sino cómo*

martes, 16 de noviembre @ 7:00 pm


*Interpretación simultánea en español disponible.

Para obtener más información, contactar Brenda L. Figueroa: