In this Inclusion Series webinar, explore how to bring Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) to life. Learn ways to make the IFSP or IEP a genuine part of a child’s everyday routines in their learning environment, home, or community. Discover how disability service coordinators can support teachers, home visitors, and child care providers to create plans for achieving IFSP or IEP goals in collaboration with families and specialists.
This webinar will have English and Spanish captions.
Topics for the webinar include:
- Discussing how to help educators transform IFSP and IEP goals into useful, everyday objectives
- Supporting educators’ plans for multiple learning opportunities throughout the day
- Identifying resources that help educators increase the use of high-quality individualized teaching practices
This webinar will benefit:
- Disabilities services coordinators
- Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant and Seasonal Head Start, and American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start program staff, directors, managers, and administrators
- TTA managers and specialists
- Federal and Regional Office staff
- Head Start Collaboration Offices
How to Register
- Select the link to register: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2998747/BF5256DB37D5EED63DA0D9B04910BCD6
Certificates of completion are available for this webinar.
Watch all of the Inclusion Series webinars on-demand: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/highly-individualized-practices-series
- Start Date:July 27, 2021
- Start Time:3:00am
- End Date:July 27, 2021
- End Time:4:00am
- Location:Online
- Website:https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2998747/BF5256DB37D5EED63DA0D9B04910BCD6