Este taller está diseñado para profesionales, padres o cuidadores de niños especiales. Venga y obtenga información general que puedan necesitar, para ser un socio eficaz con el equipo de la escuela.
- Repaso de las cuatro partes de IDEA
- Definir a un niño con discapacidad
- Aprenda los seis principios de IDEA
Comparta con cualquier persona que crea que se beneficiaría de la información. Este taller es en ESPAÑOL.
Para registrarse llame, envié un email o mensaje de texto a:
Nancy Aguila
[email protected]
Seis Principios de IDEA
viernes 18 agosto de 2023
6:30- 8:00 pm
sábado 19 agosto de 2023
9:00 – 11:00 am
NOTA: Para asistir al taller del IEP se requiere la asistencia del viernes.
Bartlett United Methodist Church
5676 Stage Road
Bartlett, TN 38134
- Dorca Rose, Bilingual Community Outreach & Education Specialist
- Patricia Valladares, Director of Middle TN Services | Multicultural Liaison
This condensed workshop is designed for professionals and parents or caregivers of children in special education or that might need special education. Come and gain an overview of special education, including how to be an effective partner with the school team in the process. Participants will:
- Review the four parts of IDEA
- Define a child with a disability
- Learn the six principles of IDEA
Please share with anyone you feel would benefit from the information. This workshop is in Spanish.
To register call, email, or text:
Nancy Aguila
[email protected]
Six Principles of IDEA
Friday, August 18, 2023
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Saturday, August 19, 2023
9:00 – 11:00 am
NOTE: Friday attendance is required to attend the IEP workshop.
Bartlett United Methodist Church
5676 Stage Road
Bartlett, TN 38134
- Dorca Rose, Bilingual Community Outreach & Education Specialist
- Patricia Valladares, Director of Middle TN Services | Multicultural Liaison
- Start Date:August 19, 2023
- Start Time:9:00am
- End Date:August 19, 2023
- End Time:11:00am
- Location:Bartlett United Methodist Church, 5676 Stage Road Bartlett, TN 38134