Si usted tiene un hijo / a con discapacidades y tiene dificultades en la escuela o si sospechas que su hijo necesita servicios adicionales requiere una evaluación, venga!
¡Le podemos ayudar!
Comuníquese con Dorca Rose Guayurpa de TNSTEP para reservar su lugar para una reunión individual.
(423) 639-6124 | [email protected]
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Cada cuarto martes de cada mes.
- martes 27 de febrero
- martes 26 de marzo
- martes 23 de abril
HOLA Lakeway
1600 este de la carretera Andrew Johnson
Morristown, TN 37814
(423) 621-9065
[email protected]
If you have a child with disabilities and are having difficulty in school, or if you suspect that your child needs additional services requiring an evaluation, come!
We can help you!
Contact Dorca Rose Guayurpa of TNSTEP to reserve your spot for a one-on-one meeting.
(423) 639-6124 | [email protected]
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Every fourth Tuesday of the month.
- Tuesday, February 27
- Tuesday, March 26
- Tuesday, April 23
HOLA Lakeway
1600 East Andrew Johnson Highway
Morristown, TN 37814
(423) 621-9065
[email protected]
- Start Date:April 23, 2024
- Start Time:10:00am
- End Date:April 23, 2024
- End Time:1:00pm
- Location:HOLA Lakeway, 1600 East Andrew Johnson Highway, Morristown, TN 37814