Did you know that people with disabilities are 2 to 4 times more likely to die or sustain a critical injury during a disaster than people without disabilities?
September is National Preparedness Month. Join the FEMA Office of Disability Integration and Coordination (ODIC) on August 26, 2021, at 1 p.m. CT/2 p.m. ET to get tips, tools, and resources for people with disabilities that you can share with your communities next month.
Call information:
Participant Phone Number: 800-263-0877
Participant Passcode: 1667315
Click here for closed captioning. (Event #4869949)
Please register here.
- Start Date:August 26, 2021
- Start Time:2:00pm
- End Date:August 26, 2021
- End Time:3:00pm
- Location:Online
- Website:https://event.mymeetingroom.com/Public/WebRegistration/ZW5jPXNhQWNoekF6VkljWGdvVXV3VjlFK2FtZHZRemQrNXFzc3hHelBtT3F3aSs5YVFqT3pGY1ZGSkVTNXA3K29oNmxyV2pmUy9JOFJkcDR5K01qdEFIV3p3PT0=