Progress, Inc. – in partnership with the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center – invites you to join us for an engaging “Community Conversation” event. Together, we will discuss creative ways that the Nashville community can come together to support local teens and young adults with disabilities as they transition into employment and community involvement. During this unique gathering, we will be exploring how we can bring together the many strengths, opportunities, and partnerships in Nashville to ensure every individual with a disability is able to flourish in our community.
As you are entering your information below to register for the community conversation, please indicate your role in the community. We have provided a second option if you have another role in your community that you would like to indicate (for example you may be both a teacher and a family member of an individual with a disability).
Click here to register.
Any questions” Contact Ben Schwartzman: [email protected]
- Start Date:March 22, 2021
- Start Time:6:00pm
- End Date:March 22, 2021
- End Time:7:30pm
- Location:Online via ZOOM
- Website:https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvdOugrjgpE9LO8D12rVHhQoDDxsHbkCti