Parents, families, educators, autistic individuals, clinicians, and medical professionals: Join us for the 13th Annual Chattanooga Autism Conference on Sept. 8! There will be presentations in multiple tracks, plus time to network and visit exhibitors during lunch. Visit our website for more information or to register, sponsor, or exhibit.
When: Friday, Sept. 8,
Time: 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Where: Chattanooga Convention Center, 1150 Carter St., Chattanooga
Cost: $50 until August 18 (click here for special rates for families, students, etc)
Registration: Click here to register
Feel free to email me or call 423-531-6961, opt. 3 if you have any questions.
Confencia De Autismo En Español Chattanooga
Parapadres, miembros de familias, educadores, adultos autista, y mas!
- Virtual o Presencial
- 4 Diferentes Tema
- Incluye Almuerzo
- Docenas de Excibidores – Recursos
viernes, de Septiembre 8, 2023
8:00 am – 2:30 pm hora del este
registro en español: LINK
$5 – Individual
$0 – Gratis: disponible para personas con dificultades económicas
423-531-6961 opción 9
- Start Date:September 8, 2023
- Start Time:8:00am
- End Date:September 8, 2023
- End Time:4:00pm
- Location:Chattanooga Convention Center, 1150 Carter St., Chattanooga, TN
- Website:https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/BezOsMWKu4TZ4anzsCp6lg