Registration is open for the in-person annual Chattanooga Autism Conference on Sept. 10 at the Chattanooga Convention Center. With social distancing and limited registration spots, attendees are encouraged to sign up soon.
- Click here to register for the in-person conference.
- More info about the conference
- List of presenters and topics
There will also be an online Zoom track in Spanish – click here to sign up.
The Council is proud to sponsor this annual event through our Scholarship Fund. Our sponsorship lets people who cannot pay the registration fee because of financial issues attend for free. To ask about this option, email Amber Doolittle at [email protected] or call 423-531-6961 opt 2.
Date: September 10, 2021
Time: 8am-4pm EST
Click here to register
¡Regístrate AHORA!
Cuándo: viernes, 10 de Septiembre, 2021
Dónde: ZOOM
Llame o envíe un correo electrónico para más información.
- 423-531-6961 Opción 9
[email protected]
Video Recording: Si no puerde aisitir a la presentación, no te preocupes vamos a grabarla y enviales la presentación en la semana siguiente.
Regístrate usando una tarjeta de crédito aquí o envíanos un cheque a esta dirección:
Chattanooga Autism Center
1400 McCallie Avenue, Suite 100
Chattanooga, TN 37404
Haga clic aquí para descargar la agenda
Haga clic aquí para descargar el folleto
- Start Date:September 10, 2021
- Start Time:8:00am
- End Date:September 10, 2021
- End Time:4:00pm
- Location:Chattanooga Convention Center
- Website:https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/purse90Cx4WcO6ORyBhBnA