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Showing 71-80 of 94 results

Introduction to the Individualized Education Account (IEA) Program – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

The Individualized Education Account (IEA) Program is a new school choice program for eligible students with disabilities. The program provides options for parents to choose the education opportunities that best meet the unique needs of their child through access to public education funds. This presentation will provide an overview of…

Improved Outcomes: Strategies and Training for Providers and Families of Children and Youth with Hearing/ Vision Loss or Traumatic Brain Injury – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series

Project BRAIN (Brain Resource and Information Network) delivers training and resources to facilitate teamwork for teachers, families, health professionals, and all who support students in Tennessee with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). A program of the TN Disability Coalition since 2000, BRAIN is designed to improve outcomes for children and youth…

Are You Ready For TNReady? TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series

This webinar session provided an overview of the new TNReady assessment system with a focus on accessibility and accommodations. Reviewed the accessibility features available for all students, accessibility features that need to be identified in advance and the process required, as well as accommodations for students with a disability. The…
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Connecting Partners and Resources to Prepare Youth for Careers: A Federal Partners in Transition (Youth.Gov)

In November 2015, the Federal Partners in Transition (FPT), a workgroup with representatives of several federal agencies, including the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Labor, and the Social Security Administration, hosted their inaugural joint transition webinar. Participant registrations exceeded expectations and the following presenters represented multiple agencies:…

Occupational Diploma Webinar – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

The occupational diploma became effective Jan.11, 2015, and is available to any student on an IEP beginning in the 2015-16 school year. It is one of the two diploma options available to students who have an active IEP and will not be able to meet the general education diploma requirements,…

Supporting Dual Language Families – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

To offer tips for families who speak dual languages including: School Enrollment: Registration rights and requirements, grade placement, language accessibility, and community access in general; Eligibility for ESL (English as a Second Language) Services: What is it? Immersion? The flow of services; IEP (Individual Education Program) Participation: Process, eligibility, diagnosis,…
Helping Students Find Their Voice image

Helping Students Find Their Voice – Self Advocacy Strategies – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series

The objective of this webinar is to teach participants how to empower students so that they can build the confidence needed to advocate for themselves. To provide examples of how to engage students in the IEP process by allowing them to learn about their learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses and…

Cultural Competency within School Districts – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series

Cultural competence is the key to thriving in culturally diverse classrooms and schools and it can be learned, practiced, and institutionalized to better serve diverse students, their families, and their communities. Our objective for this webinar is to provide an opportunity for teachers and school personnel to learn how to…

Families Dealing with a New Diagnosis – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series

Having a child with a disability or special health care needs can be a life-altering experience…but with the support of another parent, we begin to see through the cracks and find joy in places we never could have imagined. Our journey continues, but this time we feel that we will…

Understanding Medicaid Billing by School Districts – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

Accessing Medicaid funds can be daunting. The documentation and billing requirements may seem overwhelming. Requirements may also vary significantly from state to state. Finally, Medicaid policies and procedures change frequently, making it difficult for providers and advocates to keep up with the different requirements they have to meet. Despite the…
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