All Courses

Showing 61-70 of 94 results

Preparing and Engaging Youth – Building Confidence to Advocate for Yourself – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

Teach participants how to empower students so that they can build the confidence needed to advocate for themselves.  Provide examples of how to engage students by allowing them to learn about their learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses and how to ask for help when needed while still maintaining a maximum…

Tennessee Dept. of Education Alternate Academic Diploma Overview – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

An Overview of the proposed policy for the alternate academic diploma by the state ESSA plan. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has made available to states a diploma option, which will be included in the graduation rate, for students assessed on the alternate assessment. In the Tennessee ESSA plan,…

Increasing Access to Core Instruction: Continuum of Services and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) (SPDG)

Tennessee State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) and TNSTEP have partnered to develop a new webinar series on increasing access to core instruction and inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities. A major area of emphasis of the State Personnel Development Grant is the work being done with general education teachers using…

Differentiated Classroom Increases Inclusive Opportunities (SPDG)

Tennessee State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) and TNSTEP have partnered to develop a new webinar series on increasing access to core instruction and inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities. A major area of emphasis of the State Personnel Development Grant is the work being done with general education teachers using…

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to Promote Inclusive Classrooms (SPDG)

Tennessee State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) and TNSTEP have partnered to develop a new webinar series on increasing access to core instruction and inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities. A major area of emphasis of the State Personnel Development Grant is the work being done with general education teachers using…

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners (SPDG)

Tennessee State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) and TNSTEP have partnered to develop a new webinar series on increasing access to core instruction and inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities. A major area of emphasis of the State Personnel Development Grant is the work being done with general education teachers using…

Able TN: Achieving a Better Life Experience in Tennessee – TNSTEP Lunchtime Leaders Series

Tennessee Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE TN) is a savings program designed to help individuals with disabilities put aside money to pay for qualified expenses. These accounts provide the opportunity to save and invest with tax-free earnings to help participants maintain independence and quality of life. This presentation will…

Decreasing Bullying: What Parents Show Know About Bullying and Prevention – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series

This webinar is designed for parents and/or caregivers who desire to learn what “bullying” means, laws and policies to protect students with disabilities, and how they can support their children and schools with the prevention, witnessing, and/or victimization of bullying. Presenter: Deborah Yates McBride, TNSTEP, Director of Rural Services and…

Serving Incarcerated Youth – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

Participants will explore practical and prescriptive methods that involve the education of youth in secure settings. Information will be shared that can reduce the possibilities of re-offending and increase the opportunities for successful reentry, higher education, and sustainable employment. Presenter: Derek Flake, Juvenile Justice & Civil Rights Liaison, TNSTEP Derek…

Disability Review Process – Revising the TN Special Education Eligibility Standards (TDOE)

The TN Department of Education discussed revising the Disability Eligibility Standards for Special Education. They asked TNSTEP to invite the TN Disability Coalition on Education and the TDC Special Education Workgroup to participate in this effort. Theresa Nicholls, the Tennessee Department of Education’s Director of Special Education Eligibility, shared where…
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