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Showing 41-50 of 94 results
Staying Engaged in the Process Guide

Staying Engaged in Your Child’s Education – TNSTEPs Five Points You Can Count On

Watch this video on “Staying Engaged in Your Child’s Education COUNTS” and the 5 things you can COUNT on to help you stay engaged in your son or daughter’s education. We will be referring to some important resources and strategies to help students, parents, and teachers work together to help…
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Nuestro tema es Asistencia de Educación Especial para Familias de Tennessee (Special Education Assistance for Tennessee Families)

TNSTEP y HOLA Lakeway organizan una charla de café sobre educación especial. Conozca TNSTEP, que ayuda a las familias a navegar el proceso de educación especial. TNSTEP and HOLA Lakeway host a coffee talk conversation on special education. Learn about TNSTEP, which assists families in navigating the special education process.…

Connecting Families with Information About Special Education Return to School Planning Guide

There are many questions families have as they are making decisions about returning to school and preparing for how their children with disabilities will receive the services and supports outlined in their child’s IEP. The Return to School Planning Guide is the key for parents to pull it all together!…

Educación Especial: Cómo prepararse para el regreso a clases (Special Education: How to Prepare for Back to School)

LUCES y TNSTEP organizaron una charla con Patricia Estrada-Valladares, directora de servicios de Middle Tennessee y enlace multicultural con TNSTEP, quien responde preguntas sobre el escenario de la educación especial en medio de la pandemia, y cuáles son los recursos y las herramientas de recursos disponibles para un regreso exitoso…

Return to School Planning Guide

There are many questions families have as they are making decisions about returning to school and preparing for how their children with disabilities will receive the services and supports outlined in their child’s IEP. The Return to School Planning Guide is the key for parents to pull it all together!…

Support and Training for Exhausted Parents (Self-Care=Less Stress) – TNSTEP Coffee Talk

Are you stressed to the max or just plain exhausted? Join TNSTEPs Beth Smith and Caleb Corwin with Cherokee Health Systems for a quick “coffee talk” to get some tips for dealing with stressors and improving your outlook. Click here to watch the video Recorded 7/14/2020

Highlighting Strategies and Practices in Providing Related Services to Enhance the Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 for Children with Disabilities (OSEP Webinar)

This webinar was the second in the series and focused on the provision of related services through remote and distance methods to address the critical, ongoing needs of children with disabilities during the COVID-19 era.  This webinar included representatives from several related service national organizations, OSEP Centers, and university partners.…

MAEC: The Family Room Webinar Series

Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (MAEC), in collaboration with Turning the Page, facilitates educational workshops and discussions to help families connect with each other and break down feelings of separation during this time of unprecedented isolation. These webinars also provide an opportunity to engage with community partners as well as a child…

Resources For Teachers and Parents to Enhance the Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 for Children with Disabilities Webinar (OSEP)

Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is hosting the first in a series of webinars focused on ready-to-use resources, tools, and practices from OSEP-funded grantees to support the educational, developmental, behavioral, and social/emotional needs of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities through remote and distance learning. With the extended…

Six Principles of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Virtual Training

This condensed introduction to Special Education is designed for professionals, parents, or caregivers of children currently in special education, or who might need special education services. You will gain an overview of special education, including how to be an effective partner with the school team in the process. Participants will:…
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