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Showing 21-30 of 94 results

Fomentar Comportamientos Positivos en el Aula

Enseñar a los estudiantes comportamientos apropiados en lugar de castigar los comportamientos inapropiados ayudará a desarrollar relaciones positivas entre los estudiantes y el personal de la escuela. Las escuelas con sistemas de apoyo de liderazgo compartido que involucran a los estudiantes, en lugar de exigir su cumplimiento, tienen menos problemas…

Encourage Positive Behaviors in the Classroom – TNSTEP Coffee Talk

Teaching students appropriate behaviors instead of punishing inappropriate behaviors will help develop positive relationships between students and school staff. Schools with shared leadership support systems that engage students—rather than demand student compliance—have fewer discipline problems, increased student achievement, and higher graduation rates. Children develop and grow healthier when our communities,…

Restraint & Isolation in Tennessee Schools – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

To find out the latest information regarding Tennesse’s policies and procedures regarding Restraint and Isolation tune in for this FREE one-hour Lunchtime Leaders webinar. Active in the movement to ensure the safety of Tennessee’s children and youth with disabilities, Holly Lu Conant Rees will present the latest information to keep…
SRO Training image

What Families Need to Know to Work Together with SROs for Student Success Webinar – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Series

School Resource Officers (SROs) do much more than keep our schools safe. Your child with disabilities or mental health needs may benefit from the support an SRO can provide. This presentation will address: The role of the School Resource Officer How to introduce yourself and your child to the SRO…
Planning for Transition Decision Making Support

Planning for Transition: Decision-Making Support – TNSTEPs Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

Preparing for a transition to adulthood can be challenging, especially for someone with a disability. There are many options and things to consider, including how much help a particular person needs with making important life decisions. Will their situation necessitate having a conservatorship in place, or will other decision-making supports be sufficient? This…
WAZE Transition Planning and the IEP image

Transition Planning and the Importance of the Transition IEP – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

For some students with disabilities, getting ready for life after high school takes planning and the involvement of the student, their families, and educators. This webinar will outline the key concepts of transition planning and provide resources on how to involve youth in the process. Participants will be provided training…

Addressing Learning Loss and and Summer Learning Programs – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series

With distance learning, hybrid instruction, or other disruptions to students’ educational programs, your child may have experienced learning loss or instructional loss, or maybe both. As the summer months quickly approach, TNSTEP has been receiving a lot of questions about the learning opportunities that will be available during the school…
Katie Beckett Program Webinar Cover Image

What is the Katie Beckett Program? TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Series

Tennessee’s Katie Beckett Program is for children with disabilities or complex medical needs who are not currently Medicaid eligible due to their parent’s income or assets. The program has two parts. Part A provides Medicaid services to children with the most significant needs. Part B is a Medicaid diversion program,…
Father helping son with homework

Charla de café- Fomentar Comportamientos Positivos en el Aula

Enseñar a los estudiantes comportamientos apropiados en lugar de castigar los comportamientos inapropiados ayudará a desarrollar relaciones positivas entre los estudiantes y el personal de la escuela. Las escuelas con sistemas de apoyo de liderazgo compartido que involucran a los estudiantes, en lugar de exigir su cumplimiento, tienen menos problemas…
Support Health Care Transition from Pediatric to Adult Care PPT image

Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare: Issues and Strategies – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leaders Webinar

For any young person moving into adulthood, transitioning from a pediatric to an adult healthcare system can be challenging. This process can be even more challenging for young people with disabilities, who may not have had many opportunities to speak for themselves or discuss their disabilities and health issues. The…
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