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Showing 11-20 of 94 results
Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series Overview of the IEA Program header image

Overview of the IEA Program – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leader’s Webinar

This first session provides an overview of the Individualized Education Account (IEA) Program, including a definition of the program, data on enrollment, eligibility requirements, approved uses of funds, and how to apply for the 2024-25 school year. Q&A from attendees following the presentation. Presenter: Phara Williams is the director of…
Turning 18 - What Happens Now? image

Turning 18: What Happens Now? Webinar for Parents and Professionals 6/13/23

Turning 18 is a significant milestone in a person’s life. They may not be through with high school yet, but they’ve achieved the “age of majority,” which is a fancy way of saying that a person is now considered an adult. Some young people, with or without disabilities, view turning…
SDM Mash Up Presentation cover image

Supported Decision Making: A Mash Up That Promotes a More Self-Determined Life Presentation 2/28/23

Learning Objectives: What supported decision-making, and why it should be considered How the concepts of supported decision-making (SDM) and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) work together How to take a lifespan approach to support individuals with disabilities and their families Click here for the recording Handout Links: Presentation LifeCourse Exploring Decision-Making…
Three teens seating outside

Creating Safe and Supportive Schools for ALL Students Webinar 2/21/23

The past few years have been incredibly difficult as our kids and teens have faced school closings, social isolation, missed milestones, trauma, threats of school violence, and more. This presentation will address: Ways we can help Open and effective communication among stakeholders The impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences Understanding and identifying trauma…

La Ley para la Educación de los Individuos con Discapacidades: Una visión general de IDEA Virtual 1-24-23

Este taller está diseñado para profesionales, padres o cuidadores de niños especiales. Venga y obtenga informacion general que puedan necesitar, para ser un socio eficaz con el equipo de la escuela. Repaso de las cuatro partes de IDEA Definir a un niño con discapacidad Aprenda los seis principios de IDEA…
Should I Stay or Should I Go Webinar image

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Webinar by families for families about early childhood options 9/29/22

For the first time, kids currently in Tennessee Early Intervention Services (TEIS) who turn 3 years old after October 15th will have the option to continue in TEIS or receive early childhood school-based education services if they qualify. It’s awesome that families will have the option between these types of…
Basic Rights logo flyer image

BASIC Rights: Training on IDEA – A Parent’s Introduction to Special Education Virtual Workshop 9/24/22

This free workshop is designed for parents, caregivers, and professionals working in the field of special education. You will gain a working knowledge of special education laws including your role in developing an appropriate individualized education program (IEP), how to effectively partner with the school team in the process, plus……
Benefits of One Page Profiles Cover image

Benefits of One-Page Profiles – A Great, Easy Tool to Help with Transitions – TNSTEP Lunchtime Leaders Series

Ned Andrew Solomon, one of TNSTEP’s high school to adulthood transition specialists, will explain the benefits of developing a One-Page Profile. Thanks to the great work of disability visionary Helen Sanderson, this fantastic tool can help introduce a child, young person, or adult with a disability to a caregiver, teacher,…
SRO Webinar Cover Page

Family and School Resource Officers Working Together for Student Success Webinar 8/30/22

Have you ever wondered why there are officers in school and what they do? School Resource Officers (SROs) do much more than keep our schools safe. Your child with disabilities or mental health needs may benefit from the support an SRO can provide. Join us for this free webinar to learn: The role…

Is My Child Eligible for Special Education Services in Tennessee? TNSTEP Coffee Talk

If you believe your child needs special education services at school, this video is for you. TNSTEP’s Karen and Beth are here to talk you through the step-by-step guide to determining your child’s eligibility. They’ll tell you how to get the ball rolling, the timeline you can expect, and how…
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