- Instructor: Lisa Gosnell
- Students: 1
Turning 18 is a significant milestone in a person’s life. They may not be through with high school yet, but they’ve achieved the “age of majority,” which is a fancy way of saying that a person is now considered an adult.
Some young people, with or without disabilities, view turning 18 – becoming an adult – with some anxiety. They may look forward to voting for the first time, but taking on many adult responsibilities seems daunting and scary. This is understandable, but being prepared for and informed about this significant milestone can help.
This webinar is for parents and professionals of transition-age youth with disabilities and will cover many of the “things to know” when approaching adulthood.
Click here for the recording
Handout Links:
- Presentation link https://bit.ly/3p3Avna
- Selective Services to register www.sss.gov/register/
- Find more transition resources on our website at this link https://tnstep.info/transition/
Webinar recorded and archived 6/13/2023