- Instructor: TNSTEP
- Lectures: 2
Having a child with a disability or special health care needs can be a life-altering experience…but with the support of another parent, we begin to see through the cracks and find joy in places we never could have imagined. Our journey continues, but this time we feel that we will survive because we know another parent who has.
This informative webinar will provide families with information on the Tennessee Parent-to-Parent Matching Program for families dealing with a new diagnosis. Participants will also receive strategies for dealing with a new diagnosis for their child.
The Tennessee Parent-to-Parent Matching Program provides peer support to any child’s family through one-to-one connections. Our Matching Program provides support, information, and resources from an experienced, trained parent who has undergone a similar journey caring for a child with a disability or special health care need.
A parent match specifically connects the requesting parent with an experienced, supporting parent who can:
Help with problem-solving,
Listen to you and truly understand your circumstances,
Offer emotional support,
Connect you to community resources,
Give first-hand experience about caring for and parenting a child with special health care needs, and
Make referrals to other agencies that can provide additional support.
Parent-to-Parent matching is available to any parent or family member of a child with special health care needs.
Kara Adams, Program Coordinator, Family Voices of Tennessee
Kara Adams is the Program Coordinator for Family Voices of Tennessee and oversees Tennessee’s Parent-to-Parent program. Kara is also the Family Consultant to The Department of Health’s Child and Family Wellness Program. However, her most important role is mom to Kael. Kael was born with a rare and complex Congenital Heart Disorder- Taussig- Bing Anomaly.
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TNSTEP Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Recorded: 03/26/2015.