- Instructor: TNSTEP
The Least Restrictive Environment, LRE, is an important charge of the IEP team. But what exactly is LRE and how do we know what to choose? This webinar will explore the intent of LRE and critical questions for IEP teams to consider to confidently determine a student’s LRE.
Alison A. Gauld, Low Incidence and Autism Coordinator, TN Dept. of Education, Division of Special Populations and Student Support
Alison A. Gauld joined the Tennessee Department of Education as the low-incidence and Autism Coordinator for Special Populations in January 2014. She taught special education for children with low-incidence disabilities within the public schools for over 20 years, most recently, students with significant disabilities within the public school setting in Colorado. She created programs for individual student needs and collaborated with a variety of services, itinerant support personnel, and general education teachers to ensure students received both instruction and intervention in their least restrictive environment (LRE). Alison’s work reflects her strong belief that all students can and will achieve.
Access the archived webinar: What Does Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Really Mean?
Download Presentation & Handouts – What Does LRE Really Mean PPT Handout 2-11-20
TNSTEP Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Recorded: 02/11/2020