- Instructor: TNSTEP
Teaching students appropriate behaviors instead of punishing inappropriate behaviors will help develop positive relationships between students and school staff. Schools with shared leadership support systems that engage students—rather than demand student compliance—have fewer discipline problems, increased student achievement, and higher graduation rates. Children develop and grow healthier when our communities, schools, and homes are free from fear, anger, and other negative emotions. We know that students are more likely to succeed when they feel connected to others in their community and are less likely to act out in ways that disrupt the school environment. Please sit back and enjoy TNSTEP’s Coffee Talk on Behaviors with Ada Winford, M.Ed., Modified Curriculum District Instructional Coach with Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS), and Patricia Valladares, TNSTEP’s director of Middle Tennessee Services and Multicultural Liaison.
Click here to view the English presentation
Versión en español: https://youtu.be/RQaozPnPpRM
Archived presentation 8/6/2021