Course Category: Videos

Showing 1-10 of 16 results
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TNSTEP Presenta: El próximo paso – Planificando el IEP Preparación para una efectivaparticipación en el Programa deEducación Individualizado (IEP) 8-5-24

The Next Step, IEP Planning – Preparing for effective participation in Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings (workshop in Spanish) Este taller está diseñado para permitir que los participantes comprendan y participen plenamente en el proceso del equipo del IEP. Los participantes aprenderán: Los tipos de servicios que pueden ofrecerse a…
IEP Training with Joey Ellis

Virtual IEP Training with Tennessee Voices 7/24/24

Back to school means IEP meetings! This session reviewed the essential information families will find helpful during their student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting. Joey Ellis, TNSTEP Director of Youth Services, your IEP expert, presented this training/discussion. Hosted by: Family Voices of Tennessee Click here to view the recorded presentation.…
Presentation cover page

Vocational Rehabilitation: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How (Parent & Professional Training) 7/17/24

A WAZE to Adulthood training series. Many young people with disabilities want to work after high school or college, just like their peers. Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a program that provides services and supports to help people with disabilities prepare for, get, and keep a job. This training provides basic information about the…
Presentation cover page

Do You Want to Work? Let’s Talk about VR! Student Training Session 6/24/24

A WAZE to Adulthood training series. This training discusses supports that can help youth prepare for a job, find a job, keep a job, and answer your questions. Click here to view the recorded presentation Click here to download presentation TNSTEP’s Training Recorded 6/24/24
Early Childhood Transition Workshop image

Early Childhood Transition Planning Workshop 2-22-2024

Planning for a smooth transition for infants and toddlers. This workshop is for families with children being served through Part C Tennessee Early Intervention Services (TEIS) to assist them in preparing for the transition to Part B services. The information is family-friendly, realizing that the world of special education is…
Lunchtime Leaders Webinar Series Overview of the IEA Program header image

Overview of the IEA Program – TNSTEP’s Lunchtime Leader’s Webinar

This first session provides an overview of the Individualized Education Account (IEA) Program, including a definition of the program, data on enrollment, eligibility requirements, approved uses of funds, and how to apply for the 2024-25 school year. Q&A from attendees following the presentation. Presenter: Phara Williams is the director of…
SDM Mash Up Presentation cover image

Supported Decision Making: A Mash Up That Promotes a More Self-Determined Life Presentation 2/28/23

Learning Objectives: What supported decision-making, and why it should be considered How the concepts of supported decision-making (SDM) and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) work together How to take a lifespan approach to support individuals with disabilities and their families Click here for the recording Handout Links: Presentation LifeCourse Exploring Decision-Making…
Father helping son with homework

Charla de café- Fomentar Comportamientos Positivos en el Aula

Enseñar a los estudiantes comportamientos apropiados en lugar de castigar los comportamientos inapropiados ayudará a desarrollar relaciones positivas entre los estudiantes y el personal de la escuela. Las escuelas con sistemas de apoyo de liderazgo compartido que involucran a los estudiantes, en lugar de exigir su cumplimiento, tienen menos problemas…
David Smith Pro Volleyball Player image

Interview with Olympic Pro Volleyball Player David Smith

David Smith, a USA Pro Volleyball player, competing in the Olympics for his third time, explains what led him to play Volleyball. How being deaf or hard of hearing affects (or doesn’t affect) his ability to play at the highest level, and what gives him a competitive edge on the…
Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare Coffee Talk image

Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare with Dr. David Wood – TNSTEP Coffee Talk

A brief discussion on the Transition from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare with Dr. David Wood of East Tennessee State University and Ned Andrew Solomon, TNSTEP Communications Support and Youth Transition to Adulthood Specialist. Click here to watch the video.
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