Understanding the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
“ACEs” is used to describe stressful or traumatic experiences that disrupt the safe, stable, and nurturing environments needed to thrive during childhood. ACEs contribute to most of our country’s physical, mental, economic, and social health issues.
The ACEs Toolkit is a repository of resources related to ACEs, emotional injury, and our state’s Building Strong Brains and Resilient Tennessee initiatives. The intent is for this Toolkit to provide individuals and families that experience disabilities with comprehensive current and historical information about ACEs to spread awareness and inform our constituents about the impact of ACEs on individuals, families, and society, and strategies for ameliorating the impact of ACEs on children, adults, and families.
The Toolkit is divided into a handful of categories: PowerPoint and Other Presentations on ACEs and emotional injury; Informational Videos; ACEs and Tennessee; and National ACEs Resources. It is our intention to keep the Toolkit updated with new and additional resources as they become available.

ACEs in Tennessee
♦ Adverse Childhood Experiences in Tennessee: Fact, not Fate
Source: TN Department of Health
♦ Building Strong Brains / TN ACEs
Source: TN Department of Children’s Services
♦ County Profiles of Child Well-Being in Tennessee
Source: TN Commission on Children and Youth
♦ The Economic Cost of ACEs in Tennessee
Source: The Sycamore Institute
♦ Resilient TN Initiative
Source: TN Commission on Children and Youth
♦ Strong Roots Grow a Strong Nation: Tennessee Fact Sheet
Source: Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI)
♦ TN Health Ranking for Prevalence of ACEs
Sources: America’s Health Rankings United Health Foundation
More Information on ACEs
♦ ACEs Aware Initiative on ACEs Screening and Impact
Source: ACEs Aware Initiative, California Surgeon General’s Clinical Advisory Committee
♦ ACEs and Toxic Stress: Frequently Asked Questions
Source: Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University
♦ Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire for Adults
Source: ACEs Aware Initiative, California Surgeon General’s Clinical Advisory Committee
♦ Adverse Childhood Experiences Resources
Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
♦ Multilingual Traumatic Resources
Source: Child Mind Institute
♦ Protective Factors and Adverse Childhood Experiences
Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
PowerPoint Presentations and Handouts
♦ Benefits of One-Page Profiles – A Great, Easy Tool to Help with Navigating Life After High School
Source: TNSTEP
♦ Creating Safe and Supportive Schools for ALL Students
Source: TNSTEP
♦ What Families Need to Know to Work Together with SROs for Student Success
Source: TNSTEP
Videos & Webinars
♦ Benefits of One-Page Profiles – A Great, Easy Tool to Help with Navigating Life After High School Webinar
Source: TNSTEP
♦ Building Strong Brains Videos
Source: TN Department of Children’s Services
♦ Creating Safe and Supportive Schools for ALL Students Webinar
Source: TNSTEP
♦ Impact of ACEs Video
Source: KPJR Films
♦ Meet School Resource Officer Russell Video
Source: Clackamas County Sheriff’s Department
♦ School Resource Officer Sings ‘Rainbow Connection’ to Student Video
Source: ABC News
♦ School Resource Officer Talks About Impactful Training on Supporting Students with
Disabilities Video
Source: TNSTEP
♦ Still Face Experiment Video
Source: Dr. Edward Tronick, UMass Boston’s Infant-Parent Mental Health Program
♦ We Can Prevent ACEs Video
Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
♦ What Families Need to Know to Work Together with SROs for Student Success Webinar
Source: TNSTEP