The Katie Beckett Program helps kids in Tennessee with disabilities and complex medical needs under the age of 18.
The Katie Beckett Program provides care for a child’s disability or medical needs, even if their parents make too much money to get Medicaid. Children can get this care in their homes.
Katie Beckett Part A
Part A helps children in Tennessee with the most significant disabilities or complex medical needs.
A child must meet an “institutional” level of care. That means they would qualify to receive care in a medical institution like a hospital or a nursing home but want care at home.
Children in Part A receive full Medicaid Benefits and can get up to $15,000 in nonmedical services called home and community-based services.
A child must have private insurance, and a premium may be required based on the family’s income.
Katie Beckett Part B
Part B is for children in Tennessee with disabilities and complex medical needs who do not qualify for care in a medical institution. Instead, they meet the “at-risk” level of care. Children who are eligible for Part A can also receive Part B if there is no slot available in A.
Children in Part B do not receive Medicaid. Instead, families get up to $10,000 a year in services to care for their children.
Families can spend the money in Part B in any or all of 5 different ways: a card to pay for medical expenses, paying for a child’s private insurance premium, getting paid back for certain services including non-traditional therapies, hiring your staff to provide respite and supportive home care or having a community provider for services.
Time: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Eastern
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Central
Kara Boo, Director, Family Voices of Tennessee
Sara Scott, East TN Regional Organizer, Family Voices of Tennessee
Click here to register
- Start Date:August 31, 2021
- Start Time:12:30pm
- End Date:August 31, 2021
- End Time:1:30pm
- Location:Online via ZOOM
- Website:https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_haPCbm7MS5qCQTb5pGSnig